How do I reduce my Child Support Payments in Orange County California

How do I reduce my child support payments in Orange County, California? One important questions that constantly arises regarding child support is, can child support be modified? Child support can be modified based upon the parties’ current financial circumstances, as well as other related circumstances. The family law courts look at what is known as a significant change in circumstance to determine whether a party should be granted a modification of child support.
If the judge deems that one of the parties has a significant change in circumstances from the time the child support order was rendered the order may be reduced. Instances when child support is reduced for the party is when they have been let go from a job, are incapable of working due to an injury, or health issues, or if they do not have the financial means to pay due to additional expenses that were not present when the child support order was made.
Moreover, when trying to demonstrate that there has been a significant change in circumstances it is important to have documentation from an employer, doctor, or businesses that you owe money to and have incurred expenses from. The documentation will be a source of proof to demonstrate your extreme inability to pay, and financial hardship. Further, if you have been let go from your job, a letter from an employer indicating your change in employment status is beneficial.
For further information regarding reducing child support payments in Southern California, please contact your local family law lawyers in Orange County. Please call Yanez & Associates for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your child support matter. When scheduling your free initial consultation it is important to inquire regarding payment plans and discounts available at the firm.

How do I reduce my Child Support Payments in Orange County California