Best ways to protect my family and self from domestic violence in Orange County California

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What are the best ways to protect my family and self from domestic violence in Orange County California? The shame, embarrassment, and fear caused by domestic abuse is an ongoing problem within our society.  Sadly this cycle of abuse is far too often difficult for victims to escape, and survive unscathed physically and emotionally.  Fortunately there are resources out there to help.   If you live in Orange County, there are people to turn to and places to go when enough is enough.

Domestic abuse happens all the time, and is more often perpetrated toward women, but there are men out there too who suffer from physical and emotional abuse.  Sadly, only a small percentage of those abused are coming forward.  Domestic abuse, is usually a slow and methodical process that takes years for abusers to dominate and control their victim(s).  The stigma attached to the abused partner, often leads to years of silent desperation.

In Orange County help can start with a phone call.  Human Options is an abuse help center which is designed for guiding the abused.  They offer cycle ending support and can be contacted at 877.854.3594.  The call can be anonymous and they are ready to help you 24/7.  They offer emergency shelter, family and children’s counseling and the staff and volunteers take a minimum 40 hour state mandated workshops to best help victims. They also offer community education options.  For more information visit where they even feature an emergency exit button that transports you to a safe website should your abuser become present.

Interval House is a service that focuses on many aspects of abuse.  It is not just limited to domestic abuse and caters to other services like elderly abuse and teen dating abuse as well.  They offer legal information and financial advice.  They cater to healing families as well as emergency intervention teams.  Interval House has been well established since 1979 and can help in 70 languages.  If you would like to find more information about their services you can visit or call their hotline at 562-594-4555 and 714-891-8121.

At Laura’s house, which has been helping victims for 20 years, the abused can find information and help.  They offer shelter, children’s services, legal resources and counseling.  At Laura’s house they also have a separate website dedicated to teen issues.  Healthy Emotions and Attitudes in Relationships for Teens or H.E.A.R.T. is a teen focused program that gives insight for teens in abusive relationships.  For more information on H.E.A.R.T visit or their main website visit you can also call their hotline at 866-498-1511.

A service often utilized in Orange County is WTLC a non-profit organization.  They offer shelter services and focus on children’s safety and rehabilitation form abuses.  They hold community outreach resources available.  Their deepest goals are to rehabilitate and educate those who are in need.  They can help with legal advice and also offer immigration services.  They can be contacted at or their hotline at 877.531.5522.

Sometimes it may be necessary to take matters in your own hands by gaining a restraining order on perpetrators of abuse.  Remember, domestic abuse is not just for people who are married or living together.  There are certain categories that domestic abuse falls under such as people who date, or used to date, close family members, and those who share a child together.

If you are being abused by another source, like a friend or co-worker, there are options too.  You can file for a civil harassment or workplace violence restraining order which can be applied to those who abuse you.  If you need assistance in this matter it is wise to contact a lawyer or your local courthouse.

Restraining orders are tracked and placed into the CLETS system, which is statewide (form DV-600).  Restraining orders are very specific in what they can and cannot do on case by case basis, and though it is just a piece of paper, it allows the abuser to understand that they are legally bound to comprehend the seriousness of the situation.  They do not have authority as a means of divorce or a means of legal documentation dealing with children.

Types of restraining orders are: Temporary, Permanent and Criminal Protective. The only truly permanent order is Criminal while Permanent lasts up to three years.  Temporary Restraint is granted by a judge on a case by case basis and is given only if the judge believes you or your children are in danger.

For further legal information on these matters, you can visit the California Courts Self-help Center.  They can also help in matters of child support or other domestic support issues.  Most cities have in place a Domestic Violence help center or shelter.  You can call your local court or police department for further information.  Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24 hour a day advice on where to turn.  Their number is 1-800-799-7233.

If you or someone is being abused and there is need of immediate help, always call the Police department or 911 emergency dispatch.

In conclusion, Yanez & Associates is ready to assist you if you are a victim of domestic violence or have been falsely accused of domestic violence. Please contact our domestic violence attorneys in Orange County for additional information.

Best ways to protect my family and self from domestic violence in Orange County California

Best ways to protect my family and self from domestic violence in Orange County California

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